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Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG ) Only for Lonsdor Remote Key MK22870
Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG )
Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG )
Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG ) | MK3 -| thumbnail
New 2023 Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG ) Generate Smart Key, Modify Frequency, Modify Button Type, Etc | Emirates Keys -| thumbnail
New 2023 Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG ) Generate Smart Key, Modify Frequency, Modify Button Type, Etc | Emirates Keys -| thumbnail

Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG )

Only for Lonsdor Remote Key

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$45.00 (€41.85)
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Product Code: MK22870
Categories Key Programming Tools
Manufacturer Lonsdor
In StockIn Stock
Product Specifications
Manufacturer Lonsdor
Condition New
Weight 120 g

Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG )

Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG ) Description:

New 2023 Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG ) Generate Smart Key, Modify Frequency, Modify Button Type, Etc

Key Programming Tools From Lonsdor with Product Number: MK22870
This Weight Product: 120g

Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG ) Specs:

Manufacturer: Lonsdor
Condition: New

Lonsdor Bluetooth Smart Key Generator ( BSKG ) Function : 

Generate smart key
Modify frequency
Modify button type
Read button function
Upgrade key
Modify remote count value
Unlock key
And More Functions 

Get the Lonsdor APP : 


For Modifying Remote Count Value Feature need to follow these steps :

Modify remote count value
1. lt's a spare function when the remote cannot be used after smart key generation is complete.If the remote works properly, please click Cancel to exit;
2. Push open the device's card slot to the right, put key to be generated into the slot;
3. Reading remote data...!
4. Current remote count value: 00000000:
5. Enter new remote count value
6. remote count value modified successfully , please test if the remote works properly.If yes,click ( ok ) to exit the program. If not click ( Cancel ) continue to modify the value.

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