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Lonsdor K518ISE, K518ME And K518TUR Third Time Subscription Of 1 Year Full Update You can buy this activation if you already activated 1 year update two times before. MK19754
Lonsdor K518ISE, K518ME And K518TUR Third Time Subscription Of 1 Year Full Update
Lonsdor K518ISE, K518ME And K518TUR Third Time Subscription Of 1 Year Full Update

Lonsdor K518ISE, K518ME And K518TUR Third Time Subscription Of 1 Year Full Update

You can buy this activation if you already activated 1 year update two times before.

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$200.00 (€192.00)
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Product Code: MK19754
Categories Software Activation
Manufacturer Lonsdor
In StockIn Stock Digital ProductDigital Product
Product Specifications
Manufacturer Lonsdor

Lonsdor K518ISE, K518ME And K518TUR Third Time Subscription Of 1 Year Full Update.

Product Description:

Lonsdor K518 ISE, K518 ME And K518 TUR Third Time Subscription of 1 Year Full Update - Losndor Software

Software Activation From Lonsdor with Product Number: MK9754


Manufacturer: Lonsdor

Paying the subscription, you can update following vehicle models (keep updating):

American Brands:


MERCURY Cougar1999-2002Immobilizer   Read key count,Program key,Delete key,

MERCURYGr.Marqui�3 -04Immobilizer   Read key count,Program key,Delete key,

MERCURYGr.Marqui2005 -2010Immobilize Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys,

MERCURY M.Taineer[PCM]�1 -04Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete key

MERCURYM.Taineer2004 -2005Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys,

MERCURYM.Taineer2006 -2009Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys

MERCURYM.Taineer2010 -Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete key

MERCURYMarauder2003 -2005Immobilizer  Read key count,Program key,Delete key

MERCURYMariner2005 -2007Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys,

MERCURYMariner2008 -2009Immobilizer  Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys,

MERCURYMariner2010 -Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete key

MERCURYMilan2006 -2009Immobilizer  Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys

MERCURYMilan2010 -Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete key,

MERCURYMontego2005 -2006Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys

MERCURY Montego2007-Immobilizer  Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys

MERCURYMonterey2004 -2005Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete key,

MERCURYMonterey2006 -2007Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys

MERCURYSable2000 -2003Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete key

MERCURYSable2004 -2007Immobilizer  Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys,

MERCURYSable2008 -Immobilizer Read key count,Program key,Delete all keys


BUICKGL82017-Smart keyType 2(2.5L)  All smart key lost,Add smart key,Read smart key count,Clear fault code,

BUICKRegal2017 -Smart key   All smart key lost,Add smart key,Read smart key count,Clear fault code

BUICKVerano2017 -Smart keySmart key  All smart key lost,Add smart eky,Read smart key count

BUICKVerano2017 -Immobilizer   All key lost,Clear fault code,Read key count


CADILLACXTS2018Smart key   All smart key lost,Add smart key,Read smart key count,Clear fault code

European cars:


SKODAIMMO 4MQB-35XX (Mainland/VDO)Immobilizer  Backup EEPROM,Recover EEPROM,Backup immo data,Recover immo data,Make dealer key,Program key(OBD),Add key,Delete key,Recover dashboard

SKODAIMMO 4NEC24C64 (2014-)Immobilizer  Make dealer key,Learn key(OBD),Backup EPROM,Recover EPROM,Delete key,Directly add key,Reset dashboard,Odometer adjustment,Unlock key,Backup immo data


OPELRemote systemAntara   Program remote,Delete remote,

OPELRemote systemMeriva Program remote,Delete remote

OPELIMMOSelect from typeType 6 All key lost

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleAntara  All key lost

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleAstraAstra -J2010- 2016Smart key  All smart key lost,Add smart key,Read key count,Clear fault code,Read PIN code

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleAstraAstra -J2010- 2016Immobilizer  All key lost,Add key,Read key count,Clear fault code,Read PIN code,

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleCorsaCorsa – DImmobilizer  Add key,Delete key,Read PIN code,

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleMerivaMeriva – BImmobilizer  Add key,Delete key,Read PIN code

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleMokka2012 -2018Smart key  All smart key lost,Add smart key,Read key count,Clear fault code,Read PIN code

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleMokka2012 – 2018Immobilizer   All key lost,Add key,Read key count,Clear fault code,Read PIN code,

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleOmega- BImmobilizerType 2(CAN)  All key lost,Add key,Read key count,Clear fault code,Read PIN code

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleOmega-BSmart key   Add smart key,All smart key lost,Read smart key count

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleSignum2003 -2007   Program key,Delete key,Read PIN code

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleVivaro(4A)2014 –    Read PIN code,Program key,Recover backup data

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleZafiraZafira -C2012- 2016Smart key   All smart key lost,Add smart key,Read key count,Clear fault code,Read PIN code,

OPELIMMOSelect from vehicleZafiraZafira -C2012- 2016Immobilizer   All key lost,Add key,Read key count,Clear fault code,Read PIN code


VOLKSWAGENIMMO4NE24C64(2014 -)Immobilizer   Make dealer key,Learn key(OBD),Backup EPROM,Recover EPROM,Delete key,Directly add key,Reset dashboard,Odometer adjustment,Unlock key,Backup immo data,

VWIMMO4Visteon dashboardImmobilizer   Backup EEPROM,Recover EEPROM,Read PIN code,Program key(OBD),Odometer adjustment,Reset dashboard,


DACIADokker2012 –  Add key,

DACIADuster2010 -2011   Add key,

DACIALogan2004 -2011 Add key

DACIASandero stepway2006-2011 Add key

DACIASandero2007 -2011 Add key


ROLLS-ROYCESelect from vehiclePhantom        Program key,Disable and enable,Make key with EPROM data,Backup & recover,Sync DME,Sync ELV,Clear fault code,Clear SHADOW,


Mercedes-BenzTail box controllingE series213.148 E300 SEDAN(2017)    Trunk control

Mercedes-BenzRemote163-ML Class   Remote,Reset ECU,


SMARTBR453Immobilizer  Test,Read PIN code,Program key,Recover configured data,


IVECODaily2007 -2012   Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

IVECODaily2012-   Key info,Add key,Read PIN ocde,Make dealer key,

IVECOEurocargo2007 -2012    Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote


ALFA ROMEO Select from typeType 9   Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

ALFA ROMEOSelect from vehicleIMMOGiulietta2010 – 2012Immobilizer  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote


JAGUARSelect from vehicle2015 -Smart keyType1(FK72) Add smart key

JAGUARSelect from vehicle2015 -Smart keyType2(HPLA) Add smart key

JAGUARSelect from vehicle2015 -Smart keyType3(write to working key) Write a workable key,Read key ID


LAND ROVERSelect from vehicle2015 -Smart keyType1(FK72)   Add smart key

LAND ROVERSelect from vehicle2015 -Smart keyType2(HPLA)  Add smart key

LAND ROVERSelect from vehicle2015 -Smart keyType3(write to working key)  Write a workable key,Read key ID


LANCIAIMMOYpsilon2007 -2012Immobilizer  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote

LANCIAIMMOYpsilon2013 -Immobilizer  Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key,


RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 0    Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 1   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 2   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 3   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 4   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 5   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 6   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 7   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 8   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType 9   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType A   Add key

RENAULTSelect from typeAllType B   Read PIN code,Program key,Recover backup data

RENAULTSelect from vehicleCaptur  Add key,Recover data

RENAULTSelect from vehicleClioClio II Ph2  Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleClioCLIO III.Without smart  Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleClioCLIO III.With smart  Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleClioClio IV.2012-   Add key,Recover data,

RENAULTSelect from vehicleDusterDuster.2010 -2012   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleEspaceEspace IV Ph2.   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleEspaceEspace IV   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleFluence2009 -2015   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleKangooKangoo I.   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleKangooKangoo II.2007- 2012   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleKoleos2008 -.   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleLagunaLaguna II Ph2   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleLagunaLaguna II   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleLagunaLaguna III.2007- 2015   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleLoganLogan.Type 1   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleLoganLogan.Type 2   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleMaster III2010-2014   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleMasterMaster   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleMegane Scenic-2008   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleMegane Scenic1999-2002  Read PIN code,Program key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleMegane ScenicScenic III (2009-2015).    Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleMeganeMegane III.2009- 2015   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleModusModus.Without smart    Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehiclePrimastarPrimastar   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleSandero-2008.   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleSandero(2008 -2012)   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleScenicScenic III.2009- 2015   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleSymbolSymbol.Type 1   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleSymbolSymbol.Type 2   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleThaliaThalia.Type 1   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleThaliaThalia.Type 2   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleTraficTrafic II Ph2   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleTraficTrafic II Ph3.2010- 2014   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleTraficTrafic(4A)2014 –  Read PIN code,Program key,Recover backup data

RENAULTSelect from vehicleTwingoTwingo I Ph2.2001- 2006    Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleTwingoTwingo II.2007- 2013   Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleVelsatis-2005.  Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleVelsatis2005 -.  Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleVivaroVivaro.  Add key

RENAULTSelect from vehicleWind2010 -2013. Add key


FIATMiddle East5002007 -  Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key

FIATMiddle EastDoblo-2009   Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

FIATAsia500  Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key,

FIATAsiaLinea Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

FIATAsiaPunto  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

FIATAsiaPunto grande2006-2011  Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key

FIATAsiaViaggio2013 -  Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key,

FIATSouth America5002010 -2012  Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key,

FIATSouth AmericaBravo2007 -  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

FIATSouth AmericaSiena2008 -2012  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

FIATSouth AmericaStrada2000 -2003  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 1 Immobilizer,

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 10  Program key,Delete key,Obtain immo ID,

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 11 Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 2  Immobilizer,

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 3  Immobilizer,

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 4  Add key

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 5  Key info,Add key,

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 6  Key count,Immobilizer,Delete key,

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 7  Key count,Immobilizer,Delete key,

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 8  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote

FIATSelect from typeImmobilizerType 9   Immobilizer,Delete key

FIATSelect from typeSmart keyType 1   Add smart key,Delete smart key,

FIATSelect from typeSmart keyType 2   Add smart key,Delete smart key,

FIATEurope500L  Key info,Add key,Read PIN ocde,Make dealer key,

FIATEurope500X  Add smart key,Delete smart key

FIATEuropeFreemontSmart key    Add smart key,Delete smart key

FIATEuropeIdea2003 -2012  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote

FIATEuropeLinea2007  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

FIATEuropePalio  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote

FIATEuropePanda2005 -2011  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote

FIATEuropePanda2011 -  Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key,

FIATEuropePhedra2005 -  Add key

FIATEuropePunto2000 -2006   Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote

FIATEuropePunto2006 -2011  Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key

FIATEuropeQubo2008 - Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key

FIATEuropeScudo -2007Type 1   Immobilizer,

FIATEuropeScudo -2007Type 2   Immobilizer,

FIATEuropeScudo -2007Type 3   Immobilizer,

FIATEuropeScudo2008 -     Add key

FIATEuropeSediciDiesel2006 -2010  Add new key,Add old key,Delete key

FIATEuropeSediciDiesel2010 -  Add key

FIATEuropeSediciPetrol2010  Key count,Immobilizer,Delete key

FIATEuropeStilo2000 -2006  Key count,Add key,Remote count,Program remote,

FIATEuropeUlysee2002 -2010   Add key

FIATEuropeUlysse2002 -2005  Add key

FIATEuropeUlysse2005 -2010 Add key

FIATEuropeViaggio2012 -    Key count,All key lost,Read PIN code,Make dealer key


MGIMMOMG62018 –   Add key,Delete key

Asian cars:

Malaysian Proton:

PROTONSelect from typeType 1 Add key,Reset IMMO ECU

PROTONSelect from typeType 2 Program key,Delete key,

PROTONSelect from typeType 3 Add key,Delete key,Key count

PROTONSelect from typeType 4 Add key,Delete key,Odometer adjustment,Reset engine,Program,Program immobilizer

PROTONSelect from typeType 5 Program key,Program remote

PROTONSelect from typeType 6 Add key,Delete key,Program remote,Key count,

PROTONSelect from typeType 7 Add one key,Add two keys,Program remote,Key count,

PROTONSelect from typeType 8  Add key,Delete key,Program remote,Key count,

PROTONSelect from vehicleGen-2 Program key,Delete key

PROTONSelect from vehicleImpian Program key,Delete key,

PROTONSelect from vehicleJump backType 1 Add key,Reset IMMO ECU,

PROTONSelect from vehicleJump backType 2 Program key,Delete key

PROTONSelect from vehicleSavvy  Add key,Reset IMMO ECU


MAZDACX-32017-Smart key    Add smart key,All smart key lost,Switch ignition on,

MAZDAM2Type 3(2017-)Smart key  Add smart key,All smart key lost,Switch ignition on,

MAZDAM3Smart keyType 2(2017- )   Add smart key,All smart key lost,Switch ignition on

MAZDAMX-52017-Smart key  Add smart key,All smart key lost,Switch ignition on

MAZDAAtenza2018 -Smart key  Add smart key,All smart key lost,Switch ignition on


MITSUBISHISelect from vehicleChinaTRITON2017 - Smart key   Program smart key

MITSUBISHISelect from vehicleChinaPajero Sport2017- Smart key   Program smart key


ISUZUD-MAXRemote   Program remote,Delete remote

ISUZUD-MAXKeyType 4 (48 chip)   Program key,Delete key,Read key data,Clear fault code,


SUBARUSelect from vehicleB42009 -  Add smart key,Delete smart key,Key count,Read PIN code,Clear engine fault code,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleBaja2005 -2007  All key lost,Delete key

SUBARUSelect from vehicleBrz2013-2015Without smart  Key count,Add key,Delete key,Add remote,Delete remote,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleBrz2013-2015With smart  Add smart key,Delete smart key,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleCrosstrek2014 -Without smart   Check key count,Add key,All key lost,Delete key,Register dashboard ECU,Register engine ECU,Program remote

SUBARUSelect from vehicleCrosstrek2014 -With smart  Add smart key,Delete smart key,Detect key count,Register smart ECM,Register engine EMC,Program remote starter,Generate key emulator,Bind key emulator,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleForester2013 -Without smart  Check key count,Add key,All key lost,Delete key,Register dashboard ECU,Register engine ECU,Program remote,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleForester2013 -With smart  Add smart key,Delete smart key,Detect key count,Register smart ECM,Register engine EMC,Program remote starter,Generate key emulator,Bind key emulator

SUBARUSelect from vehicleImprezaWithout smart- 2012(4D 60/62 chip)  All key lost,Delete key

SUBARUSelect from vehicleImprezaWithout smart2013- (4D 82G chip)  Check key count,Add key,All key lost,Delete key,Register dashboard ECU,Register engine ECU,Program remote,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleImprezaWith smart-2012 Add smart key,Delete smart key,Key count,Read PIN code,Clear engine fault code

SUBARUSelect from vehicleImprezaWith smart2013- Add smart key,Delete smart key,Detect key count,Register smart ECM,Register engine EMC,Program remote starter,Generate key emulator,Bind key emulator,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleLegayWithout smart4D 60/62 chip  All key lost,Delete key

SUBARUSelect from vehicleLegayWith smart   Add smart key,Delete smart key,Key count,Read PIN code,Clear engine fault code,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleLevorg2015 -With smart  Add smart key,Delete smart key,Detect key count,Register smart ECM,Register engine EMC,Program remote starter,Generate key emulator,Bind key emulator

SUBARUSelect from vehicleOutbackWithout smart2005-2012 All key lost,Delete key

SUBARUSelect from vehicleOutbackWithout smart2013-  Add key,Read PIN code

SUBARUSelect from vehicleSti All key lost,Delete key,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleTribecaWithout smartType 1  All key lost,Delete key

SUBARUSelect from vehicleTribecaWithout smartType 2(North America)  Key count,Add key,Delete key,Add remote,Delete remote

SUBARUSelect from vehicleTribecaWith smart(North America)  Add smart key,Delete smart key

SUBARUSelect from vehicleWRX-2013Without smart4D 60/62 chip  All key lost,Delete key,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleWRX2014 -Without smart4D 82G chip  Check key count,Add key,All key lost,Delete key,Register dashboard ECU,Register engine ECU,Program remote,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleWRX2014 -With smart Add smart key,Delete smart key,Detect key count,Register smart ECM,Register engine EMC,Program remote starter,Generate key emulator,Bind key emulator

SUBARUSelect from vehicleXV Crosstrek2013 -Without smart  Check key count,Add key,All key lost,Delete key,Register dashboard ECU,Register engine ECU,Program remote,

SUBARUSelect from vehicleXV Crosstrek2013-With smart Add smart key,Delete smart key,Detect key count,Register smart ECM,Register engine EMC,Program remote starter,Generate key emulator,Bind key emulator

SUBARUSelect from vehicleXV2013-Without smart  Check key count,Add key,All key lost,Delete key,Register dashboard ECU,Register engine ECU,Program remote

SUBARUSelect from vehicleXV2013-With smart Add smart key,Delete smart key,Detect key count,Register smart ECM,Register engine EMC,Program remote starter,Generate key emulator,Bind key emulator


SSANG YONGSelect from typeRemoteType 2  Program remote,

SSANG YONGSelect from typeImmobilizerType 3 Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleChairmanXDi system Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleChairmanDiesel  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleChairmanPetrol  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleKorandoXDi system Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleKorandoDiesel  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleKorandoPetrol   Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleKyronXDi system   Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleKyronDiesel  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleKyronPetrol  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleMussoXDi system  Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleMussoDiesel  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleMussoPetrol   Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRextonXDi system   Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRextonDiesel   Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRextonPetrol    Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleStavic RodusXDi system   Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleStavic RodusDiesel  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleStavic RodusPetrol   Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleActyonXDi system    Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleActyonDiesel   Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleActyonPetrol   Program key 

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRodiusXDi system   Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRodiusDiesel  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRodiusPetrol   Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRexton2XDi system   Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRexton2Diesel   Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRexton2Petrol    Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRexton3XDi system  Program key,Delete key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRexton3Diesel  Program key

SSANG YONGSelect from vehicleRexton3Petrol   Program key

Chinese Brands:


ROEWERead PIN code5502013-    Read PIN code,

ROEWERead PIN code9502012-     Read pin code type6 (via BCM)


BESTURNIMMONew besturn(B50)2015 -    Add key

Extra Details:

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