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Orange5 PICAVR Adapter Microchip PIC12,PIC16 and Atmel AVR MK19480
Orange5 PICAVR Adapter Microchip PIC12,PIC16 and Atmel AVR
Orange5 PICAVR Adapter Microchip PIC12,PIC16 and Atmel AVR
Orange5 PICAVR Adapter Microchip PIC12,PIC16 and Atmel AVR | MK3 -| thumbnail

Orange5 PICAVR Adapter Microchip PIC12,PIC16 and Atmel AVR

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$25.77 (€25.00)
Product Code: MK19480
Categories Additional Adapter
Manufacturer scorpio-lk
Product Specifications
Manufacturer Orange5
Condition New

Orange5 PICAVR Adapter Microchip PIC12,PIC16 and Atmel AVR

Product Description:

New SCORPIO-LK Orange5 Adapter PIC-AVR for Microchip PIC12,PIC16 and Atmel AVR

Additional Adapter From scorpio-lk with Product Number: MK9480
This Weight Product: 60g


Manufacturer: SCORPIO-LK
Condition: New

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