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Tmpro SW 111 - Saab column CIM MK18311
Tmpro SW 111 - Saab column CIM
Tmpro SW 111 - Saab column CIM

Tmpro SW 111 - Saab column CIM

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$271.73 (€250.00)
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Product Code: MK18311
Categories Software Activation
Manufacturer TMPRO
In StockIn Stock Digital ProductDigital Product
Product Specifications
Manufacturer TMPro

Tmpro SW 111 - Saab column CIM

Product Description:

Software module 111 – Saab column module CIM Memory device is serial eeprom 93c66 SMD8 package.

Software Activation From TMPRO with Product Number: MK8311


Manufacturer: TMPro

Memory device is serial eeprom 93c66 SMD8 package.
Expected file size is 512 bytes.
Use PCF7936 or Silca T14 – JMA TP12 or CN3 transponder or remote key with PCF7946.
PCF7946 can be brand new blank – no need any preparation, software programs all parts.
Software shows PIN code.
Written transponder is ready programmed to start car.
Vehicles equipped with this unit:
Saab: 9-3(2003-), 9-5(2003-)
Cadillac: BLS



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