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Car And Heavy Duty Tuning File ( DPF OFF, EGR OFF, ADBLUE OFF, DTC OFF ) Without Checksum Calculator MK23249
Car And Heavy Duty Tuning File ( DPF OFF, EGR OFF, ADBLUE OFF, DTC OFF )
Car And Heavy Duty Tuning File ( DPF OFF, EGR OFF, ADBLUE OFF, DTC OFF )

Car And Heavy Duty Tuning File ( DPF OFF, EGR OFF, ADBLUE OFF, DTC OFF )

Without Checksum Calculator

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$108.69 (€100.00)
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Product Code: MK23249
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Online Service Tuning file

Car And Heavy Duty Tuning File ( DPF OFF, EGR OFF, ADBLUE OFF, DTC OFF ) Without Checksum Calculator

Car And Heavy Duty Tuning File ( DPF OFF, EGR OFF, ADBLUE OFF, DTC OFF ) Product Description:

Car Tuning File ( DPF OFF, EGR OFF, ADBLUE OFF, DTC OFF ) Without Checksum Calculator 

Online Services with Product Number: MK23249

Car And Heavy Duty Tuning File ( DPF OFF, EGR OFF, ADBLUE OFF, DTC OFF ) Required Vehicle Information For This Service : 

1- Car type:
2- Car model:
3- Chassis number:
4- Diesel/Petrol?
5- Picture for ECU
6- Engine Capacity
7- All files read by customer


Checksum will be different that the original file, it can be fixed within few minutes using an original device such as DimSport devices.

When explained in the simplest way possible, a tuning file is a file that contains data that manipulates the engine’s performance via its ECU. Also known as an EPROM, these files don’t just contain random figures: they contain specifically calibrated information designed to manipulate how your car’s ECU runs. From horsepower and torque at specific RPMs to fuel efficiency, tuning files can drastically affect just about every element of your engine’s performance.

Creating tuning files is not as simple as inputting specific values and expecting your motor to run the way you want it in an instant. Developing tuning files take a lot of work. In fact, some of the biggest tuners in the industry take years before they master the right data needed to bring out the best from a particular engine installed in a particular car. There are many things to consider, and a piece of data incorrectly placed can throw the motor’s performance off-balance. It may sound so easy, but creating tuning files is hard work.

What is Checksum ?
A checksum is a value that is calculated from a block of digital data with the scope of being used in the future to verify if this data has been modified in any way. So basically if you change any of the maps in your cars ECU the currently saved checksum/s will not be correct and your car in most cases will not start

Checksum will be different that the original file, it can be fixed within few minutes using an original device such as DimSport devices.

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