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Turbo Decoder Original Mercedes HU64 MK15818
Turbo Decoder Original Mercedes HU64
Turbo Decoder Original Mercedes HU64
Turbo Decoder Original Mercedes HU64 | MK3 -| thumbnail
Turbo Decoder HU64 is designed for fast and non destructive opening of Mercedes vehicles locks with HU64 key profile. It can be used to open and decode door and ignition locks. -| thumbnail
Turbo Decoder Mercedes HU64-MK3.COM And a lot of Emirates Keys -| thumbnail

Turbo Decoder Original Mercedes HU64

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$586.95 (€540.00)
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Product Code: MK15818
Categories Opening Tools
Manufacturer Turbo Decoder
In StockIn Stock
Product Specifications
Manufacturer Turbo Decoder
Condition New

Turbo Decoder Mercedes HU64 original

Product Description:

Turbo Decoder HU64 is designed for fast and non destructive opening of Mercedes vehicles locks with HU64 key profile. It can be used to open and decode door and ignition locks.

Opening Tools From Turbo Decoder with Product Number: MK5818
This Weight Product: 300g


Manufacturer: Turbo Decoder
Condition: New

Turbo decoder HU64 Mercedes professional lock pick decoder for easy opening and decoding all MERCEDES BENZ door, trunk and ignition locks.

Mercedes Benz A class
Mercedes Benz C class – from 1999 onward
Cl -1995 up to 1999 year
CLK – from 2002 onward
Mercedes Benz E class – from 1997 onward
M class
G class
S class – from 1999 onward
Commercial vehicles – SPRINTER  2007 up to 2011

Before using our decoder clean the lock with WD40 spray in order to remove any dust or dirt and to ensure smooth opening (unlocking).

The kit includes:

One Turbo decoder HU64

2 set up calibrated point devices for precise resetting of the sliding pins

Transport box with soft foam inlay to carry the tool and protect it from damages:

Tester key is NOT PROVIDED with this Turbo decoder model!

Please do not use the resetting device with any other Turbo decoder. Because there is a risk of damaging your tools.

* door locks from 2000 up to this day

** trunk locks -2003 up to this day

*** Ignition locks 2000-up to this day

If you have any questions about this product, feel free to contact us.

Specially developed locksmith picking and decoding instrument for fast and non-destructive opening , unlocking, locking and decoding of all locks mounted on Mercedes Benz automobiles.


Turbo decoder HU64 Mercedes Benz unlocking tool explanation

It is good to know whether YOUR tool is original, Ivaylov or Chinese production. If you don’t see the hologram protective sticker with the information below please consider this user guide not valid! The use of non-original locksmith equipment can damage the locks you are trying to open!

On the photo see the parts of your Turbo Decoder.

Note that any vehicle opening tool which is made in our company Lucky Locks has the same concept for its mechanical parts and once you learn their functionality you will be able to use all of them by applying the same recurring procedures!

see turbo decoder hu64 elements
key profile –  HU64 / Silca identification code /

sliding pins – sliding moving mechanical components necessary to unlock and decode the locks mounted on MB vehicles
pin bar – on each side of the decoder we have mounted pin bars for inserting the instrument in and extracting it out of the locks
tension wheel – round front segment of the turbo decoder handle to use for applying tension forces / left & right /
pin activator wheel – it is connected to the pin bars in order to command them in open and closed positions
turbo wheel – the back wheel of the tool handle which does rotational movements and puts in action the pins during the opening procedures.

Opening procedure and important tips to follow:

Clean the lock with some light oil spray such as WD40 to remove all dirt accumulated over the time.

To discover the lock orientation you need to use your instrument.

Insert it after the turbo wheel was rotated to the right and the pin activator wheel is pushed all to the front! Hold the decoder on the ring of the pin activator wheel and insert it carefully into the lock. It is not necessary to force strong the tool, it will enter if the lock is in good mechanical condition.

Now pull back only the pin activator wheel and apply rotational force on the tension wheel to the left. In this moment start to rotate the turbo wheel to the left too and feel the rotation, it will be easy with no resistance and in some point you will feel a resistance on it.

Note where its line points to in the moment when the resistance begins. IF the line of the turbo wheel is before the first stop sector – your orientation is good and you can start the opening procedure.

When that line is after the first stop sector please turn the turbo wheel all to the right, push to the front the activator wheel and extract the decoder from the lock, reverse it and insert again. Now your tool is orientated correctly.

To open the lock please pull back the pin activator wheel, force the tension tool to the right and rotate the turbo wheel to the left till its line reaches to the first stop sector. Turn back the turbo wheel to its initial position – all to the right. Loose the tension force on the tension wheel and check the lock. Now apply force to the left on the tension wheel and repeat the rotation with the turbo wheel up to stop sector 1. Go back with it and loose the tension. Repeat these steps 20 times.

If the lock is not open please increase the rotating of the turbo wheel to the second stop point.

Do the same 20 more times and if there is no result – do it all again but stop at sector 3 for 20 more times.

In some point of the procedurethe lock will turn..

Usually we open the locks at the second stop sector but, of course, this depends on the operator abilities or on the lock code configuration.

Decoding of Benz locks opened with Turbo decoder HU64 Mercedes

If you need to decode the lock you just opened with your tool, please follow the instructions:

When your tool turns the lock and it can be opened please do not remove it. Keep the lock turned to left or right but not in neutral position.Once you are in turned position please rotate the turbo wheel all to the left / its line will point at stop sector 3 /. Leave it there and jiggle the tool by following the plane of the key profile. Then turn the turbo wheel all to the right, rotate the tool to neutral lock position, push forward the pin activator wheel and extract the tool from the lock.

With the Turbo decoder HU64 Mercedes out of the lock please pull back the pin activator wheel / pins become visible / and rotate the back wheel up to sector 3.

Now see the pins, calculate the pin depths and by following the side A and side B order write down the discovered code.

This is the lock mechanical code. Use it to cut a mechanical key.




THE LOCK CODE IS: 1121355344

After the code reading you have to reset your sliding pins. This is necessary if you want to open another lock with your tool.

Pins set up – only with our special device!

Correct steps to follow:

Push the pin activator wheel to the front, rotate the turbo wheel all to the right and then inject the calibrated needle part of your set up device into the hole which is located under each pin on the edge of your key profile. There are 5 holes on each.

When you inject and push the resetting device, the point of its needle will slide the pin and will stop automatically when the pin arrives to its start position. Now your prodecoder tool is ready to open another MB lock.

RESET Turbo decoder HU64 Mercedes


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