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Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable - ATPG050 MK23917
Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable - ATPG050
Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable - ATPG050

Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable - ATPG050

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$92.39 (€85.00)
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Product Code: MK23917
Categories Cables
Manufacturer Autotuner Tool
In StockIn Stock
Product Specifications
Manufacturer AutoTuner Tool
Condition New
Weight 185 g

Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable - ATPG050

Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable Description:

Auto Tuner ATPG050 Secure Gateway Bypass Cable is required to establish communication during identification/read/write operations on Renault, Dacia, Nissan & Mitsubishi vehicles equipped with a secure gateway.

Cables From Autotuner Tool with
This Weight Product: 185g

Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable Specs:

Manufacturer: AutoTuner Tool
Condition: New

Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable Related ECUs:

  • Continental EMS3140
  • Continental EMS3141
  • Continental EMS3160
  • Continental EMS3161
  • Continental SID321


Auto Tuner Secure Gateway Bypass Cable Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of reading is this?
This is a virtual read. For some vehicles, the original file may not be available on the server. We are instantly notified when a file is missing and are able to upload it quickly.  
Am I notified when the file is available on the server?
Absolutely, if the file was not available and you mention your email address in the dialog box, you will be notified by email as soon as it has been added.
What is unique about this method in terms of complexity and risk?
This is a somewhat unique OBD method. Indeed, the secure gateway present on some vehicles requires the ATPG050 cable to be connected to a connector located in the engine compartment. Therefore, the operation turns out to be significantly more complex than a standard operation via the OBD-II diagnostic socket. However, rest assured, we have put everything in place in the AutoTuner software instructions to help you locate the connector and proceed with the various operations without any risk.  
Why is this cable essential?
The concerned ECUs are mostly equipped with a "secure gateway" that prevents writing via the OBD-II diagnostic socket. In this case, it is necessary to use the ATPG050 cable to write to the ECU.
What is a “secure gateway”?
It is an authentication system set up by the manufacturer to interact with the vehicle through the OBD-II diagnostic socket.  
How to know if a vehicle is equipped with a “secure gateway”?
Once the OBD cable is plugged in, during identification, the AutoTuner software immediately indicates if the vehicle is equipped with a "secure gateway".  
What happens if I try to write via the OBD method without this cable?
You will receive an error message because the SGW (secure gateway) forbids entering programming mode without prior authentication.  
How to maintain contact during writing?
A detailed procedure is available in the AutoTuner software instructions when you select a concerned ECU.  
If the contact cuts off during writing, will the engine ECU be unusable?
Fortunately not, our recovery solution will allow you to write the calibration again. You just need to follow the instructions to maintain contact during writing to avoid this problem in the future.  
Should I use the ATPG050 cable for the data logging function as well?
Data logging as well as fault deletion (DTC) can be performed via the OBDII diagnostic socket using the usual OBD cable (ATOBD001).  
Public Beta, what does that mean?
Given the significant number of vehicles targeted by this new feature, unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to test our solution on all vehicles equipped with a secure gateway, especially for Nissan and Mitsubishi manufacturers. Therefore, we are calling on our community to help us refine and improve the proposed solution.
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