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Turbo Decoder Original HU100 Opel Chevrolet GM Vauxhall SAAB MK15810
Turbo Decoder Original HU100 Opel Chevrolet GM Vauxhall SAAB
Turbo Decoder Original HU100 Opel Chevrolet GM Vauxhall SAAB
Turbo Decoder Original HU100 Opel Chevrolet GM Vauxhall SAAB | MK3 -| thumbnail
New Turbo Decoder Original HU100 Opel Chevrolet GM Vauxhall SAAB  Is Able To Open By Downloading The Silca Automotive Key Catalog | Emirates Keys -| thumbnail

Turbo Decoder Original HU100 Opel Chevrolet GM Vauxhall SAAB

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$580.64 (€540.00)
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Product Code: MK15810
Categories Opening Tools
Manufacturer Turbo Decoder
In StockIn Stock
Product Specifications
Manufacturer Turbo Decoder
Color Black

Turbo Decoder Original Opel Chevrolet HU100

Product Description:

New Turbo Decoder Original HU100 Opel Chevrolet GM Vauxhall SAAB  Is Able To Open By Downloading The Silca Automotive Key Catalog

Opening Tools From Turbo Decoder with Product Number: MK15810
This Weight Product: 300g


Color: Black
Manufacturer: Turbo Decoder

Turbo Decoder HU100 – Opel / Chevrolet / GM / Vauxhall / SAAB

Discover the car models that Turbo Decoder HU100  is able to open by downloading the SILCA automotive key catalog. Scroll down to the car you are interested in and, if it uses profile HU100, you are ready to unlock it.

With our Turbo Decoder HU100 – Opel / Chevrolet / GM / Vauxhall / SAAB it is possible to unlock:

Vauxhall / Opel
Astra (2004 onwards)
Combo Van (2004 onwards)
Corsa (2002 onwards)
Meriva (2004 onwards)
Tigra (2004 onwards)
Vectra (from 2006)
Zafira (from 2004)

Insignia from 2008 onwards

Astra (from 2004)
Barina (2004 onwards)
Combo (from 2004)
Tigra (from 2005)
Zafira (2006 onwards)
Vectra (2006 onwards)
Most models 2006 onwards

Insignia from 2008 onwards

Allure (from 2009)
Lacrosse (from 2009)
Various models from 2007
General Motors
Terrain (from 2010)
Camero (2009 onwards)
Equinox (2010 onwards)
Cruze (2007 onwards)
Astra (2008 onwards)
93 (2008 onwards)
95 (2008 onwards)


Is my Turbodecoder original?

If you see the following – yes!

Turbo Decoder HU100 construction elements:

  • key profile – dedicated to opening and decoding door and ignition locks of Opel, GM, Vauhxall, Chevrolet. Check the SILCA
  • catalog to see the vehicle models that use HU100 key
  • sliding pins – they open, they give you the lock code!
  • pin bar – used for inserting the Turbodecoder in and extracting it out of the lock
  • tension wheel – to apply tension during the opening procedure
  • pin bar activator – this wheel activates the movement of the pin bars in order to insert and extract the tool
  • turbo wheel – when rotated to the left the pin holders move up and the pins slide according to the lock code

Before proceeding with the opening procedure please:

clean the lock with WD40 to remove any dust or dirt that can block the movement of the discs / wafers /
ensure that you have to deal with the HU100 lock profile key way
ensure that the lock is original and not replica made in China! Ask the vehicle owner if the lock has been changed in the past.

Lock orientation – it can be left or right. Just insert the tool. Once the Turbo Decoder touches the bottom of the lock, push it by pressing the turbo wheel forward. If you see the tool going deeper click it back and extract. Reverse it and insert again. If the orientation is correct when you press the turbo wheel forward, nothing will move. Wrong orientated Turbo Decoder won’t open the lock, its turbo wheel will turn easily.

Opening procedure with Turbo Decoder HU100

To insert the tool please hold it on the ring of the pin activator wheel. Your pump wheel must be rotated all to the right!

Fit the decoder all the way into the lock. Now pull back only the pin activator wheel. When this is done you will see stop sectors 3 2 1. Now apply LEFT tension rotating force on the tension wheel and keep it. Rotate the turbo wheel to the left till its line comes to the first stop sector. Stop your rotation and go all the way to the right. Release the rotation tension. Rotate the turbo wheel to the right and then rotate the pump wheel again to stop point 1. Turn it back and release the tension. Repeat this 20 times with left and right tension direction . And keep stopping at the 1st sector.

If after your 20 pumps the lock is not opened yet, increase the turbo wheel rotation till its line points to number 2. Again – left tension, rotate the pump wheel to stop point 2, go back to the right then release the tension. And then apply right tension and stop at sector 2 . Repeat 20 more times.

If you do this 20 times and the lock is still locked, go to stop point 3 for 10 more pumps and then the lock should be opened!

If your objective was to open – you are ready! But if you want to decode the lock there are a few more steps to do:

turn the lock to the left or right – no matter which side, keep it in rotation and make one pimp to stop point 3 / the last on the left /. Jiggle the tool by following the plane of your key blade. The discs transfer their precise code to the sliding Turbo decoder pins. Now extract the tool from the lock. Attention – extraction is important so please follow the steps:

turn the lock in neutral position
rotate the turbo wheel all to the left
push forward the pin activator wheel and ensure that it is pushed all the way
then and only then extract the turbo decoder from the lock!

To read the lock code:

Once the tool is out of the lock  pull the pin activator wheel so that you can see the pins, rotate the turbo wheel to stop point 3 or 4 and only then you can start the code reading.

This lock has 8 discs. Each disc can have cut 1, 2, 3 or 4. The first pin is the one closest to the tension wheel. Write its code. The second pin is on the other side of your tool – write its code down, then continue till the last pin. For reference please take a look at the next photo: the code on which is 11223312. To cut a mechanical key insert these numbers in your CNC locksmith cutting machine.

To  reset your pins for the next lock opening:

rotate the turbo wheel to stop point 1, pull back the pin activators so your pins become visible.
use HU100/100R engraved resetting tool. Inject it under the pin as shown on the photo.
Press the pin till it stops. That’s it.
Repeat the same with all pins and please keep your finger under the key blade to avoid bending while pushing the pin.

Remember  – the pins slide easily so you do not need to push strong!


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